
Infant Program

Program Details

Age Range

3-24 months


Secure environment, early milestones, sensory exploration, gentle learning transition for your baby's growth.


Daily Routine/Schedule

Imagine a place where each day is thoughtfully curated to enrich your infant's life—a sanctuary called Ohana Montessori. From the moment your little one arrives, they are welcomed into a loving atmosphere filled with sensory-rich experiences tailored to their developmental stage. Unlike a rigid timetable, our daily routine is a flexible blueprint that adapts to the needs and rhythms of each child.

Mornings often start with sensory exploration sessions, exposing children to different textures, sights, and sounds, helping them connect with the world around them. Midday activities include circle time with sweet lullabies that not only soothe but also aid in developing language and auditory skills. Our dedicated outdoor viewing sessions are designed to foster a natural curiosity about the world, teaching them to marvel at the beauty of a leaf or the dance of a butterfly.

Mealtime isn't just about nutrition; it's a communal experience that fosters social bonding and introduces the basics of table manners. Naptime, too, is more than a break; it's a restorative period essential for cognitive and physical growth. And through it all, our experienced caregivers are there, observing and adjusting activities to meet the unique developmental milestones of each child, whether it's sitting up, crawling, or taking those magical first steps.

Curriculum Highlights

At Ohana Montessori, we're reinventing the concept of daycare. Our infant program, known as "The Nido," offers far more than basic care; it provides a platform for holistic development. Rooted in the Montessori philosophy, our carefully structured curriculum extends beyond playtime to incorporate meaningful, skill-building activities.

While some schools merely keep children occupied, we're invested in nourishing their intellectual, emotional, and physical growth. Sensory exploration is more than a buzzword; it's a daily practice that enables infants to understand and interact with their environment. Our classroom is a haven of enriching materials—soft rugs, low shelves filled with age-appropriate books, and simple puzzles—that invite your child to discover the joy of learning.

Physical activities like pulling up, crawling, and walking are milestones we celebrate and encourage through specially designed exercises and games. We provide problem-solving opportunities to ignite your child's budding intellect and build their self-confidence, laying the groundwork for future academic success.


At Ohana Montessori, we accept infants from 3 to 18 months. Before enrollment, we require an introductory visit from parents and infants to acquaint yourselves with our environment and teaching approach. Immunization records and a general health overview from a pediatrician are also necessary. Parents are encouraged to provide diapers, wipes, and any specialty food items their infant may need.

Safety and Care

Safety isn't just a principle—it's the bedrock of our Ohana Montessori program. Our classroom is purposefully designed to remove hazards while encouraging free movement. From soft, calming colors to clean, uncluttered spaces, every element contributes to a tranquil environment. Custom furniture supports your child's growing independence, avoiding any restrictive equipment. Additionally, our caregivers are highly trained in offering both compassionate and respectful care. 


  • How does the Montessori approach promote social development in infants?

    Montessori infant programs create opportunities for social interaction within a safe and respectful environment. Infants learn to share space and engage with peers, even at a very young age. Caregivers model gentle communication and conflict resolution, helping infants develop social skills like empathy and cooperation from the earliest stages of life.

  • How are early milestones supported?

    We employ specially designed activities and materials that focus on sensory exploration and motor skills to support early milestones.

  • Is the environment child-proof?

    Absolutely. Safety is our utmost priority, and the environment is designed to be hazard-free.

  • Do children have naptime?

    Yes, naptime is a critical part of our daily routine to ensure proper rest.

  • How are parents updated about their child’s progress?

    We offer regular progress reports and parent-teacher meetings to discuss your child’s development.

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