
Toddler Program

Program Details

Age Range

2-3 years


Fostering curiosity, independence, social skills, and foundational knowledge in a playful and thriving setting for toddlers.


Daily Routine/Schedule

Ohana Montessori's daily schedule for toddlers is a carefully curated plan that aligns with our mission of fostering curiosity, independence, and social skills. Our program for toddlers aged 18 months to 3 years emphasizes individual choice within a structured environment. The day starts with a welcoming session where children are gently eased into the classroom's calming atmosphere.

The heart of our schedule lies in "work cycles," where toddlers engage in self-selected activities from our thoughtfully designed learning materials. Whether they opt for sensory toys, puzzles, or art supplies, these cycles give them the freedom to explore, ask questions, and develop at their own pace. Teachers observe, guide, and offer gentle cues to ensure the child’s active and meaningful participation.

In addition to individual exploration, group activities like circle time and group reading encourage social interaction and vocabulary development. Our unique self-care area empowers toddlers to start developing basic hygiene habits, from washing hands to wiping their noses. Meal and snack times at low tables foster autonomy as children participate in preparing, serving, and cleaning up. A sleeping area with individual floor beds gives toddlers the choice of when to rest and when to rise, promoting a sense of autonomy and independence.

Curriculum Highlights

Our toddler curriculum is specially designed to meet the developmental needs of children between 18 months and 3 years. It offers a dynamic blend of sensory experiences, language development, and practical life skills. The Montessori approach seamlessly integrates academics and life skills, leading children toward a path of self-reliance and confidence. With accessible learning materials that encourage problem-solving, concentration, and a sense of achievement, your toddler will thrive in an environment that is both challenging and supportive.


Enrolling your toddler in Ohana Montessori requires them to be between the ages of 18 months and 3 years. A tour of our facility is strongly recommended for parents to familiarize themselves with our environment and teaching methodology. Just like with our infant program, an updated immunization record and a general health overview from your pediatrician are essential for enrollment. We ensure that your child receives personalized care and guidance throughout their time with us.

Safety and Care

Safety and mindful care are inseparable at Ohana Montessori's toddler program. Our thoughtfully organized classroom minimizes risks with features like soft rugs, low shelves, and child-friendly furniture. Caregivers are expertly trained to create a peaceful environment while providing gentle, respectful guidance. Specialized equipment fosters both gross and fine motor skills without sacrificing safety. To further prioritize well-being, 


  • What age group does the toddler program cater to?

    Our toddler program is designed for children aged 18 months to 3 years.

  • Are meals provided?

    Children participate in preparing and serving their snacks and meals. However, specific dietary needs should be supplied by parents.

  • Is there a focus on language development?

    Absolutely, our environment is language-rich and encourages broad vocabulary development.

  • Do you assist with toilet training?

    Yes, our self-care area fosters toilet awareness and other hygiene practices.

  • Are outdoor activities included?

    Yes, we have a designated area for gross motor activities to help coordinate movements.

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